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Wear Your Pants

I asked this question in my social media stories recently - What is something you love & something you don't like about the pants you are wearing today?

I was originally planning on doing another post with more prompts, however based on the responses I had to do something more, so here it is!

I want you to know, you are not alone with how you feel in your pants. All of the responses were provided to me multiple times.

Here is a summary:

  • The number one thing we don't like about our pants is the waistband! It's too big, too tight, rolls down, falls down...then what happens? We hike them up just to have them slip down our hips once again. I haven't done the math, but I bet we spend weeks of our life just pulling up our pants!

  • Next [for women, but men might find this in their own way] is how it bunches in your lady bits. That's right, if you never noticed before, spend some time paying attention.

  • There were a few loves, so it's not just hating on our pants - some of you are loving lounge-wear and love how your pants make your legs &/or bum look.

My bigger purpose for asking this question is to show when you intentionally think about how something fits and makes you feel, you become more intentional with what you buy. If the waistband on your pants bugs you - make note of it and never spend your money on a waistband that makes you feel that way again. Do not compromise on this. I don't know how many times in my past I compromised on an uncomfortable waistband for a pair of pants on a really good sale. It was not worth it 100% of the time. It was a waste of time & money and it caused me to feel bad about myself because my body didn't fit the pants. It's not's the pants. Every time. Stop being hard on yourself if your pants don't feel amazing, it's the pants.

Remember, clothing is made from standard patterns, so they are not going to fit everyone perfectly. We are all beautifully unique and they would need a different pair of pants made uniquely for each one of us if we all want to have the perfect pair of pants.

Unless you are going to have all your pants made-to-measure, then the best thing is to be picky. I know this is really hard for so many of us because who has time between family, work, activities, etc. That pair of pants you just ordered online will have to do. You've said that before, I know you have.

I cannot guarantee you will never make another mistake purchase, however I can give you a tool that will help and give you focus.

I want you to ask yourself these questions with each pair of pants you have:

  • How does the fabric feel against my skin?

  • Can I move and do the activities I need to with easy?

  • How does the waist feel?

  • How is the length?

  • How does the crotch area feel?

  • Do the seams hang straight? Do they bother me in any way?

  • How does it make my butt look? (might need to take a picture)

  • How does it fit in the hips?

  • Do I feel like I could take on the world?

Ask all these questions and make specific notes of your answers - the good and the bad. This will help you know what to look for when you buy new pants - buy more of what you love and none of what you don't. I want you to feel wildly confident in your clothing, that means only adding things that make you feel amazing. I don't say this lightly, what you wear changes your outlook and attitude for the day.

Part of the discomfort could also be knowing how to dress for your silhouette. It is part of the foundation for creating a wardrobe you love. This is part of many of the services we offer, including the Virtual Wardrobe Edit Series!

Wear your pants, don't let your pants wear you.

It doesn't matter if they are for a business meeting or to lounge around the house.

Let me know how this exercise goes for you! Comment below, email me, or send me a DM on social media.

As a wardrobe stylist I strive to make my clients and you, my community, think differently about the clothes you wear. I want your clothes to be an asset to you and in no way hinder you.




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